Run downloaded installer file and click Y and hit enter on the blue screen to confirm, press Y again to precede it will take a few seconds to install.Download Minimal ADB Tools, Fasboot & Android USB Driver Terbaru & Terlengkap – Halo sahabat XKOMODOTCOM ( ), kali ini saya mau share beberapa tools dan driver untuk kamu yang sedang ingin melakukan rooting atau oprek hp alias smartphone biar bisa kelihatan lebih kekinian dan sesuai selera saat digunakan nanti.Download 15-Seconds ADB/Fastboot installer file on your windows computer, Click here.Steps to Install Minimal ADB and Fastboot Drivers for all Android devices: Version 1.1.3: minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.1.3_setup.exe.Version 1.3: minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.3_setup.exe.Version 1.3.1: minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.3.1_setup.exe.Version 1.4: minimal_adb_fastboot_v1.4_setup.exe.

Download All Minimal ADB and Fastboot Drivers Then go ahead and follow the given instructions. So if you are interested in download and install minimal ADB and Fastboot drivers. Given below we share all the version of Minimal ADB and Fastboot tool drivers. The latest version of Minimal ADB and Fastboot tool is v1.4.3. The Minimal ADB and Fastboot tool were developed and launched by XDA Recognized Contributor shimp208. The fastboot protocol allows you to flash any partition on an Android device like the system, boot, recovery, cache, etc. The Fastboot is powerfull tool and it is used when the device is booted into the Bootloader Mode. The ADB is a set of binaries that can allow your computer to communicate with a connected Android device via a command-line terminal. Android Debugging Bridge is also known as ADB is a protocol which is generally used when the device is booted into the main Android OS.